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5-Minute Breathwork for Focus


Kumbhaka Pranayama

Watch the beginning of the video to learn the technique and what's happening when you engage with this practice before being guided into the 5-minute pranayama.

When to use it

This is a great breathwork practice if you need to focus but are feeling a bit scattered and/or you are new to meditating and the idea of "clearing your mind" is intimidating. This breath is used by a variety of people ranging from CEO's to Yogi's to Marines.

How it works

In this breath, you occupy the mind (Manomaya Kosha) in service of the breath (Pranamaya Kosha) which then consolidates your focus. In doing this, you also activate the Parasympathetic System (Pranamaya Kosha) calming and focusing the body (Annamaya Kosha).

Practice it on your own

Choose a ratio that works for you and count at your own pace. Set a timer for 30 seconds to begin and see how it feels. Remember to match the breath to the count not the count to the breath.



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